Preaching Sticky Sermons
A practical guide to preparing, writing, and delivering memorable sermons.
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Tim Harlow
Senior Pastor of Parkview Christian Church and author of Life on Mission
We can all use a little help in the area of preaching. That’s one reason I’m a big fan of RookiePreacher.com and why I love that Brandon and Joe have put together a book of both the spiritual and the practical. I mean, college and seminary are great for some things, but I’m guessing no one talked about how to handle criticisms of your sermons in social media, right? Or using Evernote and Google Docs to stay organized and shave hours off your prep time?
Preaching Sticky Sermons is a great addition to your toolbox as you share the most important message the world will ever hear. This is a manual for preaching in the trenches.

Brian Dodd
Author of The 10 Indispensable Practices of the 2-Minute Leader, blogger, and director of new ministry relationships of Injoy Stewardship Solutions
“It has been a pleasure watching Brandon Kelley and Joe Hoagland grow their platform for helping preachers get better. Their Rookie Preacher website is a constant source of quality content which is helping pastors more effectively steward the most important message in human history, the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. If you enjoy their website, then you’ll love their book Preaching Sticky Sermons. Brandon and Joe are gifts to the body of Christ. This book proves it and those who listen to you each Sunday will be grateful you read it.”

Jonathan Pearson
Author of Next Up: 8 Shifts Great Young Leaders Make, pastor, podcaster, and blogger at JonathanPearson.net
“Good preaching is an art form and often a messy process. God has used the preaching of His word for centuries to convey His love for His people and to grow their faith. I love how Preaching Sticky Sermons stays practical while allowing for individual preachers to maintain their voice and let the Holy Spirit speak through them. Each section clearly communicates a unique aspect of preaching making this book a manual of sorts that I think you’ll be referencing over and over again. This resource is timely and needed in today’s Church!”

Ready to grow in your preaching?
Grab your copy of Preaching Sticky Sermons and get no-fluff, all practical insights on how to prepare, write, and deliver memorable messages week in and week out.
Buy Preaching Sticky Sermons
Kenny White
Founding Pastor of The Crossing Church
“Where was this book when I started preaching twenty years ago? We all know there’s a lot of material, advice, and helpful tips in regards to sermon writing available on the web or on your bookshelves, the issue is the time it takes to find it. This book has everything you need in regards to sermon writing gathered at your fingertips. What you will love about this book is that it’s a one- stop, go-to manual for sermon writing. Preaching Sticky Sermons is filled with practical sermon writing tips; time management ideas and other insights that will help you write a memorable or “sticky” sermon each and every week. It’s a book that will be highlighted and dog-eared as you return to it time and time again. Preaching Sticky Sermons will be a book that you will keep with you along with your Bible, notebook, laptop, or whatever you use to craft and write your sermons. Thanks, Brandon and Joe for making the weekly sermon writing process simpler and stickier!”

Marvin Williams
Lead Pastor of Trinity Church, Lansing, Michigan and author at Our Daily Bread Ministries
“I love preaching the Scriptures. Period. I consider it a calling from God, one I don’t take lightly. A call to preach is a call to preparation. A prepared preacher is a powerful preacher. This is the reason I am excited about Preaching Sticky Sermons. Brandon Kelley and Joe Hoagland have unearthed homiletical flint to sharpen the tools of aspiring and seasoned preachers. Preaching Sticky Sermons is practical, challenging, innovative, and filled with a treasure trove of preaching wisdom. Each section is a sort of practical lecture and lab, where the preacher can learn from, not ivory tower theoreticians, but humble practitioners. Though I have been preaching for over twenty years, I am excited to use this book as my bible for preaching sticky sermons.”

Ready to grow in your preaching?
Grab your copy of Preaching Sticky Sermons and get no-fluff, all practical insights on how to prepare, write, and deliver memorable messages week in and week out.
Buy Preaching Sticky Sermons